Need help? Call 1800 088 884. If you are in an emergency call 000

The logo for the central australian aboriginal family legal unit

Central Australian Aboriginal

Family Legal Unit (CAAFLU)

Need help? Call 1800 088 884. If you are in an emergency call 000

2020 CAAFLU Art Competition

January 12, 2023

We are excited to announce ~CAAFLU's Art Competition~ winners for 2020


1st and 2nd prize: Ruth Cook Campbell

3rd prize: Centralian Middle School students: Georgette Morton, Keane Kunoth, Kyleah Hodgetts, Takeena Loy.


1st prize: K.J.

2nd and 3rd prize: Henrietta Driver.

We can't wait to show you how the designs look on the CAAFLU t-shirts!

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