Need help? Call 1800 088 884. If you are in an emergency call 000

The logo for the central australian aboriginal family legal unit

Central Australian Aboriginal

Family Legal Unit (CAAFLU)

Need help? Call 1800 088 884. If you are in an emergency call 000

Get in Touch with Us.

Alice Springs Office

Visit Us
84 Hartley Street,

Alice Springs, NT, 0870

Opening hours
Monday to Friday - 8:30am to 5pm

Post to Us
PO BOX 2109,

Alice Springs, NT, 0871

Phone: (08) 8953 6355

Fax: (08) 8953 6749
Free-call: 1800 088 884

Tennant Creek Office

Visit Us
2/172 Paterson Street,
Tennant Creek, NT, 0860

Opening hours
Monday to Friday - 8:30am to 5pm

Post to Us
PO BOX 201,
Tennant Creek, NT, 0861

Phone: (08) 8962 2100
1800 068 830

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